Order Now for Spring Riding Season!

How Much Assembly Is Required?

Not Much.

It might be hard to tell from the photos on our site, but your Destroyer frame bike is about 7 feet long once assembled.  It is a presence and is guaranteed to leave you in awe!

While we would love to ship the bike fully assembled, it would be cost prohibitive for most customers.

We have spent as much time on packaging and protection as we have on the actual bike itself so that your bike arrives safe and sound at a respectable cost.

For starters we include the tools you'll need.

We remove the front wheel, front fender (if applicable), front brake caliper and handlebars for packaging.  The pedals, headlight and headlight mount will be in your accessory boxes.  

Upon arrival you will simply put the front fender and front wheel on the bike to be able to stand it on the ground.  

Next you will rotate the handlebar stem 180 degrees so the bolts face forward.  Tighten it down.  You will cut the zip ties that secure the handlebars to the frame and insert them into the stem and bolt the front bracket on.  Tighten everything down.

Pedals are labeled L and R and both thread in forwards.  Very important so you don't cross thread your crank arms.  Left pedal threads counterclockwise.  Right clockwise.

Put your headlight in, drop your seatpost in the bike and you are ready to rock and roll!

For full assembly instructions you can visit the owners page here.


Ride. Wicked.  

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